Gold Coast Women Sprint to Raise Funds

Gold Coast women Sophie Percival and Zoe Rush recently sprinted past their fundraising goal for the McGrath Foundation.

Running in the 38th Gold Coast Airport Marathon on July 3, the pair smashed their fundraising goal of $2,500 each as the very first running mates in our newly formed #McGrathActive community, raising a combined total of $7,631.50.

Both women were inspired to support the McGrath Foundation as their families have been touched by breast cancer.

Sadly, Sophie lost her mother to breast cancer when she was only 12 and her sister is now going through her own breast cancer experience, while Zoe’s mum was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October, despite regular mammograms and no family history.

Zoe felt an immediate connection to the cause as her mum and the family have been supported by McGrath Breast Care Nurse Sue Munro during their difficult experience.

“While my mum will never be free from the disease, I can only hope and wish that her journey be made as easy and as comfortable as possible and I know that is also the wish of her McGrath Breast Care Nurse,” said Zoe.

Getting involved in McGrath Active is an easy way for individuals to raise funds to help make life for families like Zoe’s that little bit easier, by running, walking or taking part in one of our events.

Join the McGrath Active team at an upcoming event and you’ll receive training, nutrition and motivational tips from our official McGrath Ambassador Shannon Ponton, personal trainer from the Biggest Loser Australia.

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