
Leave a gift in your Will

Thank you for considering a gift in your Will. It is an extraordinary act of generosity and a way to make a significant difference beyond your lifetime.

McGrath Breast Care Nurses provide invaluable physical, psychological and emotional support. By leaving a gift in your Will to the McGrath Foundation, you will be helping to esnure that no one goes through breast cancer without the care of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse.

Gifts in Wills have a significant and long-lasting impact on communities, families and people experiencing breast cancer. These generous gifts allow us to provide those in need with free access to McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia.

The power of having someone in your corner

Henry and Kaye have chosen to support the McGrath Foundation through a gift in their Wills to ensure that no one goes through breast cancer without the care of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse.

Irene Halmans never had the help of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse and her family is adamant no-one else should miss out either. It’s why her husband, Henry Halmans, and her sister, Kaye Rehm, have decided to leave a gift in their Wills to the McGrath Foundation in memory of Irene.

“When I dearly depart, anything I have goes to the McGrath Foundation,” she says. “I feel so content with my decision because it’s what I want to do. I think people feel a certain obligation to leave things in their Will to people but I don’t have that feeling. “There shouldn’t be that obligation to anybody, if people want to leave a little bit, or a whole lot of their estate to charity they should go ahead and do it.”

Henry and Kaye

How to leave a gift in your Will

If you are planning to remember the McGrath Foundation in your Will, we recommend that you discuss your wishes with your family, solicitor and with the team at the McGrath Foundation. By informing us of your plans you’ll become part of a special group of supporters. Please know that any information you provide us with is simply a statement of your current intentions and is in no way legally binding and will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Please contact Maria Pavela from our Donor Services Team at (02) 8962 6138 to learn more about leaving a gift in your Will.

Suggested wording for your Will

If you would like to leave a gift to the McGrath Foundation, your solicitor can advise you on the best way to do this. You may wish to update your existing Will with a codicil (addendum) or use the following sample wording to insert a clause in your Will:

“I (insert name here) give the McGrath Foundation Limited (ABN 23 115 566 624)…. [Insert one of the following];

  1. The whole of my estate
  2. (insert number) % of my estate
  3. The residue of my estate
  4. The sum of $ (insert amount)
  5. My (Details of a particular asset, such as shares or property)

for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon death or in consequence of my death. The receipt of the authorised officer, for the time being, shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor/s.”

Types of gifts

A residuary gift

A residue is a gift amounting to whatever remains in your estate after loved ones have been taken care of.

A pecuniary gift

A pecuniary gift allows you to leave a fixed amount of money from your estate to the McGrath Foundation such as real estate or shares.

A percentage

A percentage allows you to leave a nominated percentage of your estate to the McGrath Foundation.

A specific gift

A specific gift allows you to leave a particular gift from your estate to the McGrath Foundation real estate or shares.

Forever in Pink

Each year we are touched by the generosity of those individuals who choose to leave a gift in their Will to the McGrath Foundation and create a lasting legacy. These meaningful gifts help to ensure the McGrath Foundation continues to expand its impact and reach so that no one goes through breast cancer without care.

We honour those who have left a gift in their Will.

Aileen Lynn

Alan Nicholson

Alison Patricia (Pat) Wallis

Ann Tabe

Barry Bray

Beryl Jean Hyder

Betty Day

Beyrl Esme Roper

Brian Donaldson

Delia Howard

Dianne Merchant

Dorothy May Rosenfeld

Edith Vocke

Elizabeth Sophia Kirby

Ethel Adams

Gordon Jackman Blight

Graham Leslie Porter

Hector and Mary MacFarlane

Hilary May Farr

Ivy Reeves

Jayne Boon (nèe Logan)

Jean Howard

Jean Parkin

Joyce Mavis Angel

Kathlyn Hamilton

Kym Maree Ambrum

Laurel Dooley

Leslie John Welsh

Lois Brodie

Lorraine Lister

Lorraine Merrett

Louise Smith

Margaret Milton Watkinson

Margaret Paterson

Mariano Martin

Mary Yates

Maurice Wise

Maxwell Freeman

Merle Barker

Nalan Avni

Norma Janette Martens

Patricia Hain

Phyllis May Jones

Professor Brian Miller AM

Robyn Heather Pooley

Rosemary Mahoney

Ross Willott

Ruth Bauer

Shirley Elma Drew

Susette Thomason

Suzanne Jean Brassey McGowen

Sylvia Ellen Swanbrough

Thelma Edwards

Veronica Tyson

Vilma Barrett

Zanelle Ruwolt


If you do choose to share your intentions with us you can also request your gift remain anonymous after it has been received.

It is not necessary to let us know about your intentions. However, we would welcome the opportunity to thank you for your gift during your lifetime. As a Gift in Will donor, you will be invited to attend special McGrath events and receive news updates.

You can change your will at any time, and you should do so when your circumstances change. For small changes, you will need to make a codicil. For any major changes, making a new Will is best.

To be valid a Will must:

  • Be in writing (whether handwritten, typed or printed).
  • Be signed; and
  • Your signature must be witnessed by two other people who also need to sign the will.

A will is a legal document that outlines who will receive your property and possessions when you die. A valid Will is important if you have family or other people that financially depend on you.

Thank you

Thank you for considering a gift to the McGrath Foundation in your Will.

If you do decide to include the McGrath Foundation in your Will we would like the opportunity to thank you for your generosity and help you stay up to date with the work our Breast Care Nurses are doing.

Please contact Maria from our Donor Relationships Team on (02) 8962 6138 to learn more about how to leave a gift in your Will for the McGrath Foundation