Let’s paint the town pink!

Pink Up Your Town this Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) and raise funds to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses wherever they’re needed most! Now in its sixth year, the McGrath Foundation will be looking for communities to come together with their local clubs, businesses and schools (even their neighbours!) to plan pink events in a nation-wide show of support for people experiencing breast cancer!

Join in the fun!

Orange, the small city with a big heart in rural New South Wales, showed the rest of Australia just how pink they could go by officially changing their name from Orange to Pink in 2019!

Don’t believe us? See for your self

We’re always here to help

As a registered Pink Up Your Town volunteer group, you’ll receive hands-on support from the McGrath Foundation Community team which will help you put your town on the map. We’ve also got some fundraising resources that will get you started!


Form your committee

Creating a volunteer committee/volunteer group in your own backyard. Committee members are from all backgrounds, professions and walks of life.


Plan your events

Come together with your Pink Up Your Town committee to plan events for your local town to enjoy. From race days to high teas and trivia nights, your event can be whatever you dream up!


Pink Up, have fun and fundraise

Your planned fundraising activity comes to life with main streets, store fronts, businesses and sporting events all coming together to Pink Up, and put your town on the map.

Community Team

We’re here to help

The team here at the McGrath Foundation is here to support you every step of the way to make your fundraising as successful as possible, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Community Fundraising Team.

With thanks to the Pink Up Your Town partners

Major Partner

Media Partner