Drought, Bushfires & Breast Cancer – Lisa & McGrath Breast Care Nurse, Rachael

Lisa Hardman’s breast cancer diagnosis, like most, came as a complete shock to the system.

In what was already an extremely hard time for her and her family, Lisa, like so many Australians has also had to endure the devastation of the ongoing drought and bushfires – their property in Ebor wears the black and brown scars of both.

But with the care and support of her McGrath Breast Care Nurse Rachael Stevens, Lisa’s been able to cope and stay positive in the face of difficult times.

Pink is the Colour of October!

Pink is the Colour of love, of life, of hope, of care. Host a Pink Stumps Day, Pink Up Your Town or fundraise your way this Breast Cancer Awareness Month (1-31 Oct) and do it in Pink to show your support for those experiencing breast cancer.

Every dollar you raise will go directly towards our goal of funding 250 McGrath Breast Care Nurses by 2025, a major milestone in our mission of ensuring that no one misses out on care.

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