Brisbane Welcomes New Breast Care Nurse

The McGrath Foundation welcomes Amanda Smith as the newly appointed McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. This position was established in October 2009, thanks to generous funding from long-term Corporate Friend, Ingham’s Enterprises, to help support local families experiencing breast cancer.

There are currently 63 McGrath Breast Care Nurses working in communities right across Australia, helping to provide physical, psychological and emotional support to families experiencing breast cancer, from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment.

The McGrath Foundation and Ingham’s Enterprises friendship began in 2007 and since then has raised over $450,000 to help fund the McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse position in Brisbane.

Newly appointed McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Amanda Smith, has been nursing for 15 years and feels privileged to take on this new role. She is excited to continue the excellent work that former McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse, Karen Miles, has already done in the community.

‘I am delighted to be given the opportunity to join the McGrath Foundation Family, thanks to the generosity of Ingham’s, and to be a part of this network of wonderful people, committed to making a difference,’ said Amanda.

Co-founded by Jane and Glenn McGrath after Jane’s initial recovery from breast cancer, the McGrath Foundation raises funds to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia, whilst increasing breast awareness in younger women.

McGrath Foundation Ambassador and Director, Tracy Bevan, is delighted about the replacement McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse in Brisbane.

‘Coupled with her professional knowledge, as a McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse, Amanda will offer a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on and the opportunity for patients to share their frustrations and emotions with someone outside their immediate family.

‘We are incredibly proud of our friendship with Ingham’s Enterprises. They have been an amazing Corporate Friend to the Foundation, working with us to fundraise and engage their staff purely to fulfill their ultimate goal of funding a McGrath Ingham Breast Care Nurse position,’ said Tracy.

‘When Jane passed away in June 2008, we had just four McGrath Breast Care Nurses. Today, thanks both to funding from the Australian Government and the extraordinary ongoing support of people right across Australia, including generous Corporate Friends like Ingham’s Enterprises, we have 63 McGrath Breast Care Nurses, who have helped support over 10,000 Australian families,’ said Tracy.

The McGrath Foundation has helped support over 10,000 Australian families experiencing breast cancer, with 63 McGrath Breast Care Nurses working in communities right across Australia. There are McGrath Breast Care Nurses located in areas as far reaching as Hervey Bay (QLD), Geraldton (WA), Armidale (NSW), Port Lincoln (SA) and Warrnambool (VIC). It costs about $350,000 to place a McGrath Breast Care Nurse in the community for a three year period. To make a donation to the McGrath Foundation, please visit

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