Partner Spotlight: BINGO Industries

Supporting the community isn’t something BINGO Industries take lightly; it’s threaded through the very fabric of their business. That’s why a partnership between the McGrath Foundation and BINGO Industries felt like an incredible opportunity to make a real difference. Now eight years later, the partnership is just as strong as ever.

Back in 2014, picking a charity partner was an important decision for BINGO Industries, a recycling and waste management company committed to a ‘Waste Free Australia.’ From caring for the environment through their waste innovation to providing fantastic customer service, they have always gone above and beyond to show support for the community.

Like many Australians, several of their BINGO Industries team had sadly been personally affected by breast cancer. Taking this to heart, the company wanted to have a positive impact on the lives of their employees and support causes that matter to them. This meant a partnership with the McGrath Foundation was a natural fit.

“It’s in the BINGO DNA to care. We care about the environment…We care about our people, which is why we work hard to create a culture that supports our people and inspires them… We care about our customers and strive every day to deliver great service. And we care about our community, and it’s through partnership with organisations like McGrath that we believe can help ensure that we have the biggest impact possible in the community,” says Jo Cairns, BINGO Industries Chief People & Safety Officer.

Since coming onboard as corporate partner, BINGO Industries have been a committed and supportive ally to the McGrath Foundation. Their support has ranged from internal fundraising initiatives to PINK Days and huge events. They even have five Pink Waste Trucks helping raise awareness of the McGrath Foundation on roads across VIC and NSW!

“Our GOgetters love participating in our PINK Day initiatives, The Pink Test or volunteering at our biennial fundraisers. We have a very strong engagement and connection to the cause,” continued Jo.

Altogether, BINGO Industries have raised over $600,000 through their incredible fundraising efforts. More than just the fundraising though, they have been a true partner to the McGrath Foundation, always happy to roll up their sleeves and get involved. We can’t wait to see what is to come in the future.

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month our partners at BINGO INDUSTRIES are doing their bit to support families experiencing breast cancer. BINGO are donating $10 of every new skip sale to the McGrath Foundation. Whether it’s a spring clean at home or on the job site, you can make a difference this October ??

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